Several images in this collection were captured with old film cameras and filters which produce unusual lighting effects. 

Seasoned photographers believe photography simply involves painting with light. This is especially true when photographing subjects where the lighting is changing quickly.  The series was mostly shot in the early morning or late evening and features venues from the UK to CA.  Several were taken by my daughter Kristen and wife Susan. A few highlight the dissonant, unusual and unsettling aura associated with the current COVID situation. An example is the dog sitting on the bed looking out the window.  An appropriate name for this could be: Armageddon on the outside; Tranquility on the inside. 

My philosophy involves capturing unique images and some creatures found in sacred places. 

As a self-taught photographer, I am rediscovering this hobby after 30+ year hiatus.  Early on I shot and processed most of my own work – mostly black and white and some basic color.  It’s fun to return to photography after a break, as digital photography allows you to fail early and often – usually at minimal expense. It also forces you to think constantly about what you are really doing – or trying to do - in the moment.  With the few digital images in this series, I tried to minimize postproduction editing and use images straight from the vessels (camera bodies). 

Image Shot at Goldsmith Gulch

Image Shot at Goldsmith Gulch


In addition to Ted’s work in photography he is also an aspiring freelance writer.